When you’re learning a foreign language, listening to the radio in the target language can really help to improve your comprehension skills. As so many radio stations broadcast online, it’s possible to find radio to listen to in any major language wherever you are in the world. These are three radio stations that I listen […]

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There are a variety of different sign languages used around the world. This is a list of free resources to learn sign language, and will be periodically updated. American Sign Language (ASL) Start ASL Sign School British Sign Language School of Sign Language Irish Sign Language Learn Irish Sign Language New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) […]

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Foreign language enthusiasts often seek out children’s books in the languages they’re studying. The Rosetta Project offers a website with a wide variety of classic children’s books with translations in a multitude of languages. Books like The Little Red Hen, About Bunnies, The Night Before Christmas, and Peter Rabbit are presented with translations into languages […]

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This blog has written about the subject of sentence mining in learning a language twice, once on using word frequency lists to learn a language, and in the post about overcoming a language learning plateau. Another post also spoke about a source of free French literature that’s a good source of French sentences. Lernhelfer.de is […]

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Language learners are often interested in the opportunity to gain certification for their knowledge, and the Goethe-Insitut exams were discussed in another post for proving one’s knowledge of German. The Alliance Francaise is the French equivalent of the Goethe-Insitut. The Alliance Francaise is a non-profit based in Paris which is devoted to promoting the French […]

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Many language learners wonder how many months or years it will take to become fluent in their target language, but the length of time is best measured in hours. Two people can both study a language for six months, but if one of them studies for two hours a day, that person will learn more […]

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As the world is getting more interconnected, an increasing number of parents are interested in exposing their children to a foreign language at a young age. A young child might not understand a formal language class, or have the patience to sit through it. However, there are many toys with which a child can still […]

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  MOOCs are one of the most popular online trends, and it’s not hard to understand why. MOOCs present the opportunity to get education from some of the best universities in the world, without having to go through a complicated and highly competitive application process and at a much lower cost. There’s also the advantage […]

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One problem which a lot of language learning methods have is that they don’t provide a lot of opportunity to hear the language spoken. Podcast based courses help to overcome this problem. FrenchPod101.com offers a podcast-based course complete with lesson transcripts and grammar lessons. The course consists of nearly 1200 short podcasts. You can select […]

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